The Loneliness Archive
London, UK
Photographs & Exhibitions
2017 — 2020

#LondonisLonely is an immersive art exhibition composed of photographs and audio stories of loneliness in London. Co-founded alongside Tessa Blencowe in the Loneliness Lab, we wanted to help finding a way to reduce the shame and stigma using art in London’ public spaces.

We’re all about creating spaces to talk openly, without judgement and reconnecting through ︎ creativity, vulnerability and collective storytelling.  

We've collected more than 100 stories through individual interviews, plus over 500 written stories gathered through the exhibitions.

Listen to Yasmin’s story here.

Listen to Arthur’s story here.

Listen to Scott’s story here.

Listen to Saira’s story here.

Listen to Toby’s story here.
A note from the artists

Stigma prevents us from expressing our feelings honestly for fear of embarrassment or being ostracised from society. We’re afraid to fail, we’re afraid to be different, we’re afraid of being vulnerable. So we hide because we’re afraid no one will understand.

It takes bravery to unlearn this. It is by listening and sharing that opens up to less shame and less stigma. It requires leaving our prejudices behind and listening without judgement to those around us.

It also requires trusting that others also want to listen to our truth as well. To see and be seen, no matter who we are. As we are collecting stories, we are learning that there’s a connection amongst all of this loneliness. We recognise the feeling even if the circumstances are different.
Because, actually, loneliness is something we all can understand. Some better than others, some more than others, but ultimately we all feel lonely sometimes. It’s part of what makes us human.

So listen. And then be unafraid.